Posted by: kiseki gurl | August 15, 2009

Top 10 Favorite Jpop Artists

Ah, this post.

This is something that I’ve actually been meaning to do for some time but have somehow neglected to do so. Actually, I meant to list my “Top 20” aka The JPM Way but I was too tired to do it. So yeah, in the future, there may be a Top 11-20 Fav Jpop Artists. Lame, right?

And for those wondering where the hell I’ve been (yeah, all three of you)-the truth is, I’ve been completely out of tune with the Jpop world. That’s right, I haven’t listened to any new releases since JUNE. I don’t even know what I’m missing besides the new Perfume album. I hope this isn’t a signal for my permanent leave from Jpop but for now…yeah…

So without further ado, here’s my incredibly pathetic Top 10!

1). BoA:

Is anybody surprised by this? I mean seriously, anyone? Okay, so sometimes I get on my Nana-chan StanFan Glasses but BoA’s steeel mah number one. I mean I’ve liked her since I was eleven. I’m seventeen now and she’s  sadly been the most consistent part of my life. And really, what’s hard NOT to like about her? She’s got the vocal talent, dance moves, and LOOKS. “Packaged” as many people say but hey you know what, I’ll take my good and packaged pop with porkchops.
Favorite Song: Kiseki

Favorite Album: VALENTI

2). Nana Mizuki:

Unsurprise #2. I may be vocal about my criticisms (actually I’m like that with everyone) but my fangirl level is through the roof. Nana’s such an amazing singer with consistent (and good) songs and incredible stage presence and performance skills. While her voice may not be the most divalicious of divas, it’s powerful and unique. And really, that’s what sets her above all the other seiyuu and singers.

Favorite Song: Astrogation

Favorite Album: ALIVE&KICKING

3). Namie Amuro:

While I’m not too fond of pre-baby mama Namie (her old style of singing is annoying), hot mama Namie has proved that she is like a musical Jpop goddess with her urban-influenced dance pop songs, awesome dance moves, and sexy low tone. Oh yeah, and she proved that she can, like, belt too. So there goes my tale as a semi-closet fan and I must say that I can’t wait for the $65 BEST FICTION blu-ray to be delivered to my doorstep.

Favorite Song: WILD
Favorite Album: PLAY

4). ayaka:

Besides having a voice to die for, ayaka has songs (that I) think are bloody amazing. While she may not have the clubbangers like those up above, her songs usually grow on me and are great for listening too when I feel sentimental or whatever. Yeah, the First Message era left me wholly unimpressed but by the time Sing to the Sky rolled around, I was sold. I know I’ll miss her terribly when she goes on haitus, the poor girl.

Favorite Song: I’m alone

Favorite Album: Sing to the Sky (she’s got two so far…)

5). Tenjo Chiki:

-4 sexy and talented girls. Check.
-Awesome dance moves. Check.
-Hot dance songs. Check.
-Catchy, amazing ballads. Check.
And it doesn’t help that I have a major girl-crush on LINA. Tenjo Chiki is the BEST Asian girlband in my group (yes, they are Korean) and nothing can change my mind about that (unless another group can prove they’re better). Now if they were just to get rid of DANA…

Favorite Song: Sweet Flower

Favorite Album: Graceful 4

6). Jyukai:

Sometimes all it takes is a live performance to solidiy one’s fandom. And while I was already a big fan of Jyukai, Anime Expo 08 solidified my fandom. Unlike most of the artists above, Jyukai’s music isn’t necessarily as blaring and look-at-me! obvious. Their sound is more of the gentler, polished pop/soft-rock variety. And it’s really damn good. Also their concert at AX made me realize how much Manami’s smooth vocals adds to the quality of their music. It’s a shame that they are so underrated, though with their long hiatus; it was well deserved. But they are releasing their third album in winter so make sure to give them the pity sales they need.

Favorite Song: Sakasete wa Ikenai Hana

Favorite Album: Harvest

7). K

Another Korean? Well yeah and there’s a fun little story behind him too. So I “discovered” him (I feel like I’m talking about a rock now) during the m-net concert in Budokan. Yeah, at that time, I had NO FRIKIN CLUE who the hell he was and was there for BoA. But I was pretty amazed that unlike most of the other pretty-boy, lipsynching acts; this dude could SING. And his songs were GOOD. Oh and he was cute (in a non-plasticy way) too. I guess those are three factors that kept my fandom through his tanking career (though song quality also tanked a lot with it). What can I say, he’ll always be the guy that made me jawdrop back in Japan and that’s what keeps his place here.

Favorite Song: Over..

Favorite Album: Beyond the Sea


First off, WHERE THE HELL ARE THESE GIRLS? I swear they sailed off the edge of this planet. Anyways, I discovered them through an ANIME MAGAZINE out of all the places (bloody random) and since their discography has been musical crack for me. They are consistent song after song with their polished R&B and AMAZING harmonies that are just great to listen to after a long day of work. And the girls can both sing and RAP well. It’s a shame this talent duo is MIA right now because I’m still waiting for their comeback.

Favorite Song: Step to the New World

Favorite Album: Naked

9). Miho Fukuhara

Hello, newcomer to the list. Yeah, Miho wouldn’t be anywhere in this list pre-2009 since I didn’t even know she existed then. But her AMAZING debut album, Rainbow, and soulful, Christina Aguilera-reminiscent vocals (though admittedly less talented than Xtina) sealed the deal for me. I don’t think she’s released a single song that’s disappointed me (except for b-sides) and I’m expecting more awesomeness from her in the future.

Favorite Song: HANABI SKY

Favorite Album: RAINBOW (by default)

10). w-inds.

HAHAHAHAHA. Yeah, w-inds. has been more something of a “past love” for me (think back to 2004/2005) but fact is that they have TONS of amazing, catchy dance songs that outweigh most of the recent crap they’ve been sprouting these days. And unlike most boybands, they have a vocalist (Keita) that can SANG. WELL (and there’s the catch). A part of me is semi-embarassed that they’re on the list but with releases like CAN’T GET BACK, it gives me hope.

Favorite Song: CAN’T GET BACK

Favorite Album: PRIME OF LIFE

Useless Statistics:
Anison Artists: 2/10
Male Artists: 2/10 (WTFFFFFFF, seriously)
Artists That Can’t Dance to Save Their Lives: 5/10
Artists That Can Sing Well: 10/10 (HELL YEAH)
Seiyuu: 1/10
Artists That Regularly Sell More 10k Copies: 7/10
Korean Artists: 3/10
Fugly Artists: 2/10

All right now. It’s YOUR turn now, kiddos. What’s YOUR Top 10 List of Jpop Artists?


  1. […] Top 10 Favorite Jpop Artists « THE JPOP MUSEUM […]

  2. Here’s mine! (in no particular order):

    1) Utada Hikaru
    2) Do As Infinity
    3) Hitomi Shimatani
    4) Koda Kumi
    5) Ayumi Hamasaki
    7) KOKIA
    8) Mika Nakashima
    9) BoA
    10) Angela Aki

    A kind of typical list, I know. 😡

  3. Top 10 Jpop–no particular order, either. I like your list though!

    1. AAA
    2. Arashi
    3. ayaka
    4. Jyukai (I became a fan from AX08, small world)
    5. MiChi
    6. Otsuka Ai
    7. BoA
    8. BRIGHT
    9. NEWS
    10. Yuna Ito

  4. What a great list! I just started listening to jPOP and I’m really enjoying discovering all these new (at least to me) artists! Thanks~

  5. OK, here we go with the orderless Top 10 list:

    Ai Otsuka
    mihimaru GT
    Yumi Shizukusa

    Oh, that’s 11. lol =D Eh, let’s toss in Koda too. She’s cool. ^_^

  6. P.S. ^ Congrats SAPPHIRE! Welcome to the delicious world of Asian Pop Music. Hope you enjoy your stay and NEVER be afraid to listen to any new artists– even if you can’t pronounce their name or if they have no English song titles or lyrics…

  7. On 6. Jyukai:

    “But they are releasing their third album in winter so make sure to give them the pity sales they need.”

    Count me in here. I’m a very big fan of Jyukai myself. I can’t wait for their next single. 🙂 Obviously, they are way too underrated, considering the kind of music they produce and the quality of voice Manami possesses. Honestly, Manami has such a gentle yet powerful and enchanting voice. ❤

  8. I cant belive Otsuka Ai didnt make the list…

  9. Buono is my fav, and I like a lot of electro jpop like capsule and saori@destiny.

  10. That’s a great list. Good to hear that BoA made it into yours. She has certainly grown up!

  11. lol as a fangirl I were expecting more male artists in the list lulz :p

    I used to be hardcore BoA fanboy during the Every Heart era and until this day I still wish that she would be back to this kind of music 😦

    ❤ Namie during 2000-2003 era (Break the rules – Style), still love love love "Never end" till this day, not a fan of her hip-pop thingy 😦

  12. Top 10, J-pop (and some J-rock in there too) only:
    1. Tohoshinki
    2. T.M.Revolution
    3. Namie Amuro
    4. BoA
    5. UVERworld
    6. Nami Tamaki
    7. Abingdon Boys School
    8. Tenjochiki
    9. Koda Kumi
    10. Gackt

  13. my top 10 j-pop:
    1. nana mizuki
    2. nana mizuki
    3. nana mizuki
    4. nana mizuki
    5. nana mizuki
    6. nana mizuki
    7. nana mizuki
    8. nana mizuki
    9. nana mizuki
    10.nana mizuki
    i love you nana!!!!!!!!

  14. 1. Utada Hikaru
    2. YUI
    3. Ai Otsuka
    4. Ayaka
    5. Salyu
    6. Capsule
    7. The Brilliant Green
    8. The Pillows
    9. Rie Fu
    10. Tsukiko Amano

  15. Ah…I’m not quite sure (although I’m sure my list is pretty typical).
    It goes “artist: favorite song”

    1. Miho Fukuhara: Himawari (acoustic)
    2. Mai Fukui: Lucky
    3. 2NE1: Fire
    4. Ayaka: I’m alone
    5. Namie Amuro: I really can’t decide
    6. Big Bang: Sunset glow
    7. Angela Aki: Tegami ~Haikei Juugo No Kimi E~
    8. Heartsdales (don’t judge me haha)
    9. BoA
    10. Rie Fu

    …I guess my taste in Japanese music is quite spread out… ^^

  16. well it’s now time for u to celebrate. soulhead has just released their new self-titled album today. ^^

  17. omg i love this list i fell in love with K and the W-inds ohh and boA is so cool

  18. 1/ Horie Yui

    that’s all

  19. 1. Tohoshinki
    2. BRIGHT
    3. Tohoshinki
    4. BRIGHT
    5. Tohoshinki
    6. BRIGHT
    7. Tohoshinki
    8. BRIGHT
    9. Utada Hikaru

    For these two; Tohoshinki & BRIGHT
    don’t ask what is my most fav song, because it is something that IMPOSIBLE for me. I love their songs!! So it will be hard for choosing one.. 😛

    While for Hikki, i recently got hooked with Kiss and Cry. <3<3<3
    keep tryin, and sakura droops, heart station..those are great!

  20. Aira Mitsuki
    Eiko Shimamiya

  21. My top 10 favorite artists are

    1.Momoe Yamaguchi- for her incomparable voice
    2.Changin’ my life- They sang the songs for Fullmoon wo sagashite anime.
    3.Koda Kumi- Very powerful voice
    4. Utada Hikaru- Good songs but voice lacks power
    5.Gackt- Who can forget him?
    6.ayaka- I like her voice a lot but most of her songs are very average and generic.
    7.L’arc~en~ciel- Good vocalists and awesome songs
    8.Akina Nakamori- She was the queen of the 80s
    9. Ai Otsuka- She is kawaii!
    10.Namie Amuro- One of the best people on j-pop scene

  22. Thanks for this list. I wanted to find some new jpop artist because i’m startinng to get into it alot lately. Anyways, thanks =))

  23. 1.Ayumi Hamasaki-Jewel
    2.Utada-FYI&Flavor of Life
    3.Tegomass-ai gasa
    4.Koda Kumi-Himitsu
    5.Kat-tun-Far Away
    6.Mika Nakashima-Sakuraio Maukoro
    8.Kawada Mami-Akai Namida
    9.Masami Mitsuoka-last cross
    10.BoA-White wishes

  24. For me

    2) BRIGHT
    4) ARASHI
    5) PERFUME
    7) KAT-TUN
    8) AAA
    9) HEY!SAY!JUMP!
    10) AKB48
    Etc. XD LoL

  25. this list sucks. that’s because Ayu doesn’t make the list. :p

  26. Jyukai is my favorite, y know manami isn’t really a pretty and cute type of person, that’s probably why they aren’t popular. But I love their music the most. I swear they’re clearly underrated.

  27. Where’s YUI? =(

  28. how dare you forget kumi koda

  29. Hey.. really great you guys are sharing all this.. found some jewels up there :] Mine so far is:
    1) Aya Hirano
    2) Nana Mizuki
    3) YUI
    4) Ash’doll
    5) Tommy Heavenly
    6) SCANDAL
    7) Buono!
    8) AKB48

    well im still searching ;D

  30. […] på lite J-wave radioprogram och googleade lite j-pop på Måfå. Och så snubblade jag över The J-Pop museum och hittade ner till artisten K. Lite youtubeande senare och jag hade sett musikvideon som […]

  31. OMG! This inspired me!Here’s mine! :
    1) Buono!
    Fav Song- Deep Mind
    Fav Member- Miyabi Natsuyaki
    2) Berryz Koubou
    Fav Song- Be Genki! ~Naseba Naru~
    Fav Member- Risako Sugaya
    3) S/mileage
    Fav Song- Suki-chan
    Fav Member- Kanon Fukuda
    4) Alice Nine
    Fav Song- Don’t have one
    Fav Member- Shou
    5) C-ute
    Fav Song- Kiss Me!
    Fav Member- Maimi Yajima
    6) Erina Mano
    Fav Song- My Days for You
    7) Vocaloid (never forget)
    Fav Song- None
    8) Nana Mizuki
    Fav Song- Eternal Blaze
    9) Morning Musume
    Fav Song- Only You
    10) Aa! (They only have a couple songs though…)
    Fav Song- First Kiss

  32. Is there no Kanako Itou here?

  33. Jpop=japanese not korean. Kpop is korean. Ppop is pinoy pop. Get it?

  34. YES YES YES! I was browsing thru various top jpop artists lists and was disappointed not to see BoA’s name in them (after all she’s also my No. 1 hehe) and chanced upon this AND SHE IS NO. 1.
    Hahah whatever she shall forever be No. 1~

  35. This list is unfair, if u have to do this, u should put in this artist by big A. What exactly Boa did for Japanese market? Even people don’t want there go for her concerts. Yes, she did big apperance as nonJapanese market, but no one care about her there. There sould be Koda Kumi on first place, then Ayumi Hamasaki, and Yes Namie Amuro, but a lot higher, Utada Hikaru, Beni… Nobody in all Asia does so big in entertainment as they do. You can dislike them, but they are stars and artist in one. Their music is on the highest level. They sold the most cd’s, dvd’s, blu-rays and concerts dvd’s in all Asia. Their concerts are incredible. Bigger and much massive than these in America. Even US singers know who exactly they are. So please make next time obcjective ”list”.

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